Oxford is a great city, and Greens are proud to represent our diverse, vibrant and caring communities. But we still live in the shadow of the banking crisis, and a government of millionaires is determined to make people pay the price for the failures of politicians – failing to control the banks, failing to provide enough homes, failing to provide jobs for all.
Now it’s our hospitals and council homes that are up for sale, our schools that are being dismantled, our care workers who have to work longer hours for less pay, and our young people are being burden with debt if they want an education. Greens understand the value of public services to our city, and will continue to campaign to bring them back into public hands.
Oxford is facing a housing crisis and as the number of people who can’t afford a home goes up, the council must step up. People waiting for social housing are being let down as the list grows. Tenants are getting a raw deal as repairs don’t get done while rent creeps higher. Greens are pushing the council to step in to fix the crisis.
Increasingly, national politicians are passing the buck for their failures and blaming migrants. In trying to play tough the government is splitting up families, making life harder for businesses, and driving young people overseas. Greens welcome migrants to our communities – they are our friends, neighbours, co-workers, and partners.
We need an economy that works for our communities. Businesses owned in the community have a stake in the community doing well – not in sucking profits out to tax havens. Greens would take action to defend diversity in our shopping streets, to roll out the living wage to more of our city’s jobs, and to oppose cuts to two of Oxford’s largest public sector employers– education and health.
We are glad we live in a city that doesn’t accept the Tories plan for our economy – selling off our public services and re-inflating the housing bubble – and we believe the council could be showing another way. So if you want to see our communities put first, vote Green. If you want to see public services in public hands, vote Green. If you want to see housing of a decent standard and at affordable cost, vote Green.
On Thursday 22 May, vote Green Party for the common good.
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