Donate to our General Election campaign

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If you have any problems paying online, send a cheque made out to Oxfordshire Green Party to our treasurer, Tim Eden, 6 Union St, Oxford OX4 1JP.

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You can only donate £500 or more if you are a permissible donor. A permissible donor is:
  • An individual registered on a UK electoral register, including overseas electors and those leaving bequests.
  • Most UK-registered companies.
  • A Great Britain registered political party.
  • A UK-registered trade union, building society, or friendly society.
  • A UK-registered LLP or unincorporated association that carries on business or other activities in the UK.

I am either a permissible donor, or I am giving less than £500.

If you have any problems paying online, send a cheque made out to Oxfordshire Green Party to our treasurer, Tim Eden, 6 Union St, Oxford OX4 1JP.

£5,307.45 raised
GOAL: £15,000.00

Suddenly, we are fighting another General Election in 2019. We got eith more Green county councillors elected in May. Now have to quickly launch our Green Party general election campaign in Oxfordshire. We have 3 candidates standing in Oxfordshire: David Williams in Oxford East, Ian Middleton in Banbury and Jo Robb in Henley.

This is a short campaign with urgent deadlines. We already have to spend £2000 to pay for printing election leaflets that the Royal Mail will deliver to all voters in 3 Oxfordshire constituencies and £1500 on the deposits for 3 candidates to stand for Parliament. The Freepost leaflets will start appearing on doormats on 21 November.

That is just the start! To mount an effective campaign we need volunteers and money. Please give whatever you can afford:

  • £5 can pay for a canvassing pack to equip a volunteer.
  • £10 will print 500 posters for a town.
  • £25 pays for a Facebook advertisement.
  • £120 pays for 6000 leaflets to get Green supporters to vote.
  • £250 will pay for an advertisement in the Oxford Mail.
  • £500 covers the deposit for one candidate.
  • £650 will pay for a leaflet delivered by Freepost to every household in a constituency.
  • £2000 paid to print and post a letter to every postal voter in a constituency.

Donate to our fighting fund now. Give a little, or give a lot, whatever you can afford. Thank you.

Who's donating

Carolyn Morningstar
Jacqueline Willcox
Jo Chapman
Jane Carlton Smith
Frances Bonney
Alison Chisholm
Alison Gordon-Creed
Matthew Sellwood
Who's donating: from Wantage, United Kingdom donated. Thank you!

Showing 69 reactions

  • Carolyn Morningstar
    donated 2017-02-09 16:30:42 +0000
  • Jacqueline Willcox
    donated 2017-02-09 15:35:28 +0000
  • Jo Chapman
    donated 2017-02-08 17:47:31 +0000
  • David Newman
    published this page in Donate 2021 2016-12-15 17:03:41 +0000
  • Jane Carlton Smith
    donated 2016-04-25 16:07:37 +0100
  • Frances Bonney
    donated 2016-04-25 15:57:42 +0100
  • Alison Chisholm
    donated 2016-04-25 07:27:56 +0100
  • Alison Gordon-Creed
    donated 2016-04-24 19:13:46 +0100
  • Matthew Sellwood
    donated 2016-04-14 21:01:46 +0100