Sue Ap-Roberts, Green Party candidate for Wantage and Robin Bennett, Green Party Candidate for Henley, emphasise different parts of the Green Party manifesto released on 22nd May.
Sue Roberts says, "In 2015, the Conservative government cancelled investment in the energy efficiency and renewables industries; destroying my livelihood and that of thousands of others working in South Oxfordshire to provide us with a green future. We must ensure that EU laws to protect the environment are not repealed or watered-down. The environment needs stronger protections that ever; and small businesses working in green industries need to have certainty and continuity of investment."
Robin Bennett notes that, "If people vote Green, then the increased resources going into education, health and social care will strengthen quality of life and opportunities throughout south Oxfordshire. Expanding agriculture, horticulture, forestry and rebuilding biodiversity as part of new greener tourism strategies can all be funded if we have a fair overall taxation system. In particular, we do not want to have a remote single unitary council in Oxfordshire, we want the economic role of our local councils to be enhanced, with the powers to say 'No' to unwanted development and resources to help desirable, sustainable development into being."
Further info:
Green Party General Election manifesto 2015:
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