Dare to Dream (What could the future of transport in West Oxfordshire look like?)

The West Oxfordshire Green Party has organised a Presentation and Q&A: 

“Dare to Dream” 

(What could the future of transport in West Oxfordshire look like?)

Maurizio Fantato
Witney Oxford Transport Group)

How many of us have sat in a traffic jam on the A40 as we head into Oxford or when we make the return trip? Surely there has to be a more sustainable solution!

Come and join us on 28th July at 8.30 pm to hear an update from Witney Oxford Transport Group on the future challenges and possibilities.

With the inexorable growth of Witney and Carterton the traffic can only get worse.  Add to this the prospect of years of disruption as the Horizon Technology Park in Eynsham and the Oxfordshire Cotswolds Garden Village, north of the A40 at Eynsham, are being built and then the inevitable increase in transport needs as these developments “transform the local economy”. We have to ask ourselves, what does the future hold for travel to and from Oxford along the A40 in West Oxfordshire?  What are the alternatives?

The West Oxfordshire Branch of the Green Party strongly believes that we cannot start to tackle the climate crisis without creating a much more sustainable transport system. The Covid-19 pandemic has given us all a taste of what a better planned and better utilised transport system might feel like.  Let’s not just get back to the old “Normal”.

Join us to hear, amongst other things :

  • a critique of the current A40 to Oxford plans, including the Garden Village Park & Ride interchange
  • the options for a rail link from Carterton/Witney to Oxford and pros and cons of the various options (why the current ‘via Hanborough’ route?)
  • a view on alternatives such as dedicated bus lanes/guided buses/trams, autonomous electric vehicle lane; cycle/electric scooter route along the old line.

Come and join us, ask more questions and learn how to make your opinions known to the decision makers.  

This event is open to both Members and Non-Members of the Green Party

July 28, 2020 at 8:30pm - 10pm
On-Line - Zoom
Barry Wheatley ·
Tricia Crowley Alastair Wilson Colin Aldridge Frances Mortimer Antony Melville John Fox Liz Reason Ronan Wilson Rosie Pearson Jill Greer Steph Williams Kathy Peltan Julia Shay Carol Cather Kevin Hickman Alma Tumilowicz Celia Kerslake Barry Wheatley

Will you come?

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Showing 18 reactions

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  • Tricia Crowley
    rsvped 2020-07-28 19:25:21 +0100
  • Alastair Wilson
    rsvped 2020-07-28 15:33:15 +0100
  • Colin Aldridge
    rsvped 2020-07-28 10:20:01 +0100
  • Frances Mortimer
    rsvped 2020-07-27 22:45:42 +0100
  • Antony Melville
    rsvped 2020-07-27 21:43:22 +0100
  • John Fox
    rsvped 2020-07-27 11:25:37 +0100
  • Liz Reason
    rsvped 2020-07-27 10:06:45 +0100
  • Ronan Wilson
    rsvped +1 2020-07-27 09:08:44 +0100
  • Rosie Pearson
    rsvped 2020-07-27 05:43:09 +0100
  • Jill Greer
    rsvped +1 2020-07-26 17:13:33 +0100
  • Steph Williams
    rsvped 2020-07-26 16:11:48 +0100
  • Kathy Peltan
    rsvped +1 2020-07-26 14:59:24 +0100
  • Julia Shay
    rsvped 2020-07-25 23:12:41 +0100
  • Carol Cather
    rsvped +2 2020-07-25 10:56:05 +0100
  • Kevin Hickman
    rsvped +1 2020-07-25 10:28:42 +0100
  • Alma Tumilowicz
    rsvped +1 2020-07-23 12:40:02 +0100
  • Celia Kerslake
    rsvped 2020-07-23 10:45:54 +0100
  • Barry Wheatley
    rsvped 2020-07-22 23:39:07 +0100

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