I'm your Green Party candidate for Oxford East in the general election.
On May 7, when Britain goes to the polls, we desperately need change. Change that shatters the cosy consensus that serves the wealthy elite, but leaves the rest of us trailing behind.
When I speak to people in Oxford East, they tell me they've had enough of the direction politics is going in our country. If you feel the same then join the 20% of people in Oxford East who already vote Green and become part of the historic Green Surge.
If you vote for me, I promise in Westminster that I will stand up for you, for Oxford East and for what I believe in.
Politics can change. You can change it.
I’m a Green because I want to live in a country that takes care of its most vulnerable, and gives equal opportunity to everyone. I want to make Oxford a fairer, healthier, more inclusive city.
As your MP, I will:
Fight to keep our NHS public
Improve affordable housing in Oxford East
Promote policies that reduce inequality, such as the Living Wage.
Challenge the anti-immigrant policies of UKIP and the 'old' parties.
Take action to protect our environment and climate
Find out more in the Policy section.
I'm an economist with nearly 30 years’ experience in international development. I've worked around the world for the World Bank and for the UK’s overseas aid programme. My work ensured communities had a voice in planning and project development and that adequately funded public services were available to those needing them most.
I've lived in Oxford for many years. During the 1980s, I lived in Summertown where I had my son. I moved away for work, and returned to Oxford five years ago. I stood for Oxford Green Party in three elections.