Ever thought of working for the Green Party? As Kate Robinson is stepping down from the Local Party Manager role, we are looking for someone to help manage local party activities. We will pay for your services.
Self-Employed Party Manager
The Oxfordshire Green Party is looking to work with a self-employed Party Manager to work with the Party to help the Party deliver its strategic objectives.
The services provided by the Party Manager will include:
- Working with Party volunteers to increase engagement, better networking with local ward groups and the maintenance of interface with working groups
- Coordinating local events, including venue arrangements, speakers, liaising with volunteers and maintaining awareness of party activities
- Acting as first point of contact for those wishing to get in touch with the Party, and managing new members, including the handling of member information from the National office and putting new members and volunteers in touch with the relevant organisers
- Providing support to the Party treasurer and maintaining financial records where applicable
As the Party does not currently have an office, the Party Manager has the flexibility of working from home or as they choose.
Remuneration for services provided by the Local Party Manager is £168.80 per month – this is based on the London Living Wage and the work being carried out over approximately 16 hours for the invoicing period. Invoices to be submitted for payment to the Party on a monthly basis.
Remuneration will reflect changes in the London Living Wage, and the contract will be reviewed annually, subject to approval by the self-employed Local Party Manager and the Officers of OGP.
For more information, or to submit an application please email [email protected] by 12:00pm on Thursday 28 February 2019, with a CV and a 1-page expression of interest outlining how your skills and experience qualify you to deliver the services outlined above.