The Oxfordshire Green Party, like all political parties, needs to keep track of its voters and volunteers. Who might vote for us? Who wants to hear from us? Who would like to help us win?
We take the council registers of electors and update them with what we find out about voters, so when it comes to election day we can go around reminding our supporters to vote. We collect data on new members and volunteers so we can welcome them, invite them to action days, and tell them about things we are doing. We rely on volunteers to enter, manage and analyse this data. Can you help?
Here are some tasks we need to do following our recent 2022 election successes, in preparation for our 2022-23 campaign. Can you:
- analyse election data to give us a more accurate visualisation of what happened?
- type into spreadsheets data from marked registers on who did or didn't vote?
- design, administer or analyse resident surveys in sample streets of many areas to find out where we might win next time?
- analyse social media and web site analytics to find how we can better reach and influence potential supporters?
- help our branches and ward organisers keep track of new and existing members and volunteers?
- work with a campaign team to help them use data to win?
You can book a time for a 30 minute online briefing on my bookable calendar.
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