Join in the North by-election campaign

Caroline Lucas speaking at Balcombe

Correction: due to other commitments, Caroline Lucas will not be able to come on Sunday. The canvassing will go ahead, she sends her best wishes for Sushila in the by-election. Natalie Bennett, the Green Party leader, will be coming on the 17 September.

This Sunday, join in our by-election campaign. We need all Green Party members and supporters to turn up at 11 a.m. to go and canvass all the streets in North ward.

Sushila Dhall is the best candidate for the voters of North, a well-known campaigner and a former city and county councillor, who started the local Save Port Meadow campaign. We need to get out and remind voters of this, so that they don't forget to go to the polls on 19 September.

September 08, 2013 at 11:00am - 1pm
The Gardeners' Arms
39 Plantation Rd
Oxford OX2 6JE
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
David Williams · · 01865 765852
Celia Kerslake Grant Nightingale

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  • Celia Kerslake
    rsvped Liquid error: internal 2013-09-06 14:48:46 +0100
  • Grant Nightingale
    rsvped Liquid error: internal 2013-09-05 20:42:46 +0100

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