Stuart Macdonald is challenging Cameron in Witney

Stuart MacdonaldStuart Macdonald is the Green Party candidate for the Witney constituency in the general election on 7 May 2015. He will be challenging that well-known public relations man, David Cameron.

Stuart won 4.2% of the vote in the 2010 general election, the sixth highest Green vote in the country—not bad in the prime minister’s own constituency. With your help we can do even better in 2015, thanks to the Green surge. Pledge your support below.

Who is Stuart?

Stuart Macdonald is a local candidate, having lived in Witney for nearly 20 years. He is married with four children, two of whom live in Witney. He works as a professor in a management school, trying to persuade students and colleagues that society requires more than cut-throat competition.

Why is he standing?

He is standing in the election because he believes the country desperately needs radical change. Massive inequality deprives most people of choice. There is nowhere better to say this than in David Cameron’s own constituency, where the inequality is huge—and ignored.

What will Stuart do?

I believe that all our resources (not just our natural resources) are precious and that we must use them responsibly and for the common good. I will remind David Cameron that in his own constituency, one of the richest in the country, the “greenest government ever” has meant collapsing infrastructure, flooding, and food banks.

To read more, see Stuart's articles on his blog, including:

Or follow Stuart's campaign on YouTube

Support our challenge to Cameron

There will be lots of candidates in Witney, counting on the media attention in the Prime Minister's constituency. But to mount a serious challenge, we need to quickly raise at least £1300 to print Freepost leaflets that will go to every household, and pay the parliamentary election deposit.

We are running a pledge please give whatever you can spare.

Elections 2015

This is our candidates list for the 2015 Elections. To check the biographical details of the candidate in question please click on the link next to the ward. To visualise the wards, please visit our map of the candidates. Clicking on a candidate's link will take you to the Candidate's biographical information page:

Alvescot and Filkins - Alma Tumilowicz

Bampton and Clanfield - Maurice Fantato

Carterton North East - Paul Creighton

Carterton North West - Andy King

Carterton South - Tony Barrett

Charlbury & Finstock - Celia Kerslake

Chipping Norton - Richard Averill

Eynsham & Cassington - Karl Gay

Hailey, Minster Lovell and Leafield - Andy Wright

Kingham, Rollright and Enstone - Nicholas Goodwin

Stonesfield and Tackley - Harriet Kopinska

Witney Central - Jenny Guildford

Witney East - Kate Griffin

Witney North - Brigitte Hickman

Witney South - Alex Friend

Witney West - Rosie Pearson

Bampton and West Witney County Council Elections - Nick Owen


Who's pledging

David Newman
£110.00 pledged

How much will you pledge to donate on 01:00 PM GMT on January 04 2015?

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  • David Newman
    pledged £10.00 2014-12-26 20:08:53 +0000

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