On 4th July 2024 you can vote for Green Party candidates in all 7 constituencies in Oxfordshire: Banbury, Bicester and Woodstock, Didcot and Wantage, Henley and Thame, Oxford East, Oxford West and Abingdon, and Witney.
You can find your constituency by putting your postcode into mapit.mysociety.org
Banbury | Bicester and Woodstock | Didcot and Wantage | Henley and Thame | Oxford East | Oxford West and Abingdon | Witney |
Arron Baker | Ian Middleton | Sam Casey-Rerhaye | Jo Robb | Sushila Dhall | Chris Goodall | Andrew Prosser |
You will be able to find your polling station, and find other candidates.
If you like our candidates, you can volunteer for or donate to their campaigns.
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