In the last few months, 1000s of members have joined the Green Party - a sign of how every day, more people are growing tired of our broken political system, and calling for something new!
In Oxford, while living costs continue to soar, and social inequalities are rife, our community also deserves new voices to shake up our City Council. We need fresh ideas, radical change, and councillors that will never compromise on their principles.
This is why we're excited to be supporting a whole host of Green Party election campaigns this year in the run up to Oxfordshire's May 2020 local elections. We'll be supporting candidates all across the city, including several Young Greens who have an incredible chance of winning!
Details of the afternoon:
2:00 PMIntro and briefing
2:15 PM - 4:00 PMCampaigning session 14:00 PM - 4:30 PMIce cream break!4:30 PM - 6:00 PMCampaigning session 2
6:00 PMEvening social at our local!
33 James St
Oxford OX4 1ET
United Kingdom
Google map and directions

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