Online talk by Paul Valentine - followed by Q & A and open discussion.
Our invited speaker is Paul Valentine, professional actor, Lambeth Green Party member, and recently elected as Equity Councillor following two years as Equity’s Young Members’ Councillor.
Equity (founded in 1930) is the trade union representing actors, singers, models, performers, directors, choreographers, designers, stage managers and other creative workers in the UK.
Paul has been an active member of the national Green Party Trade Union Group for many years and is a non-portfolio committee member. He held the post of Green Party Trade Union Liaison Officer until the recent national elections.
Paul was Chair of PCS Southbank Centre during the recent wave of arts redundancies, and lead protests in the Summer/Autumn of last year.
This is a free online event - just RSVP for the Zoom link.
For more info about Paul:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @PaulValentine

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