Please join South Oxon Greens as we campaign to get Jo Robb re-elected and get a second Green councillor, James Norman, in Woodcote & Rotherfield ward.
Meet at Woodcote Village HallĀ at 10am to deliver letters to postal voters and to listen on the doorstep. Will they vote for us?
The Tories are being weirdly quiet here! We have a fair chance of winning TWO green councillors: Jo Robb and James Norman
Swift half at the pub afterwards for those who fancy it.
Please get in touch with Jo by email or text if you can join us.
There is a direct frequent bus from Oxford, the X40.
April 23, 2023 at 10:00am - 1pm
Woodcote Village Hall car park
Woodcote Village Hall Reading Road
Woodcote RG8 0QY
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Woodcote Village Hall Reading Road
Woodcote RG8 0QY
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Jo Robb
· 07814 820181
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