The green party has pledged to make britain fairer and less divided. We can do better.
Witney needs
- a rail line to end the A40 gridlock that cripples our economic and social life
- the right housing in the right place: affordable homes that don’t harm the environment
- an end to NHS cuts and hospital closures
- an end to the pointless cruelty of austerity. We should borrow cheaply to invest in schools, children’s centres, day centres, libraries, andmaintain roads and pavements
- a decent rural bus service
- decent prospects for our young people
- a comfortable retirement for our old people
Larry Sanders' priorities
- reduce unemployment and underemployment
- reverse privatisation of the NHS and fund it properly
- make social care free at the point of need
- introduce proportional representation so that all votes count
- ensure the richest individuals and corporations pay their full taxes
- introduce a minimum wage of £10 an hour
- end tuition fees
- restore maintenance grants for students and apprentices
- introducing rent controls to ensure better security for tenants
- invest in renewables and building insulation to fight climate change for the sake of our children and grandchildren
How can we afford this?
The Bank of England has created hundreds of billions of pounds in the last eight years for the banks. We should invest at
least some of this in essential infrastructure and services to create real wealth. This way, we could have a world class quality of life for all citizens.
In Oxfordshire, the Green Party councillors produced an alternative budget that would have protected £7 million investment in the people of Oxfordshire, including rural bus services, all the childrens centres and adult social care, at a cost of 74 p/week increase in council tax. All the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat county councillors voted against the Green budget and for the cuts.
The Greens are the alternative
Vote Larry Sanders on 20 October
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