Westgate: corporate welfare?

Greens will, at the forthcoming Full Council meeting be asking some probing questions of Labour-run  Oxford City Council about the new Westgate Centre. In particular, challenging questions will be asked about how much public money is going into subsidising the Westgate. Several examples of 'corporate welfare' have recently come  to light including the example (below) of additional City investment in cleaning equipment and staffing to mitigate the effects of the Westgate.  
Says Cllr Ruthi Brandt, Green Party Shadow Environment Speaker and Local Councillor, "Is the Westgate Alliance helping to fund this extra work, or will money be diverted from essential frontline services? Is the public expected to - quite literally - clean up after private profit"
FMI Cllr Ruthi Brandt 07795 346505
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From: ECCLESTONE Tony <[email protected]>
Date: 27 October 2017 at 15:25
Subject: FW: Council enhances city centre cleaning regime
To: Councillors All Members <[email protected]>

News Release




27 October 2017



Council enhances city centre cleaning regime


With the new Westgate Centre now open, the city can expect more visitors keen on finding out what the new shops have to offer.

The extended opening hours in the new shops and increased footfall around the city centre unfortunately may lead to increased litter as well as greater use of the Council-run public conveniences.

Shoppers can help by taking their litter home and using the litter bins. But to take account of any increase in litter the City Council is changing the way it operates its street cleaning service in the city centre. The revised service is now in action from 5 am to 9.30 pm, seven days a week. There will be now be more mechanical cleaning going on while the streets are empty as the City Council has bought two new street cleaning machines aimed at sweeping away litter before it becomes a problem.

The Council will also install new high-tech solar powered bins that will compact the litter that's put into them, making them capable of storing more litter before they need to be emptied. Not only can they hold up to ten times as much litter as the older style bins, they also automatically message the Council when they need to be emptied.  The solar compacting bins will be introduced in Cornmarket, on a trial basis, in November.  

Public toilets in the city centre are also open longer to cater for evening shoppers. Most will be open from 7.30 am until 9 pm instead of 9 am to 5 pm. The toilet in Speedwell Street will still open at 8 am and close at 5 pm.   

Cllr John Tanner, Board Member for a Clean and Green Oxford, said: "Keeping the city centre clean for residents and visitors is a top priority for the City Council. We are taking the opportunity of the new Westgate opening to make the whole of the city centre cleaner and tidier as we will be cleaning it for longer every day. I want to thank our cleaning teams for their flexibility in taking on new rotas to make Oxford a clean and welcoming city for everyone.”



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Oxford City Council

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01865 252096

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