West Oxfordshire Green Party is ready for the local elections!

Members of the West Oxfordshire Green party are standing as candidates in the West Oxfordshire District Council Elections and Witney Town Council Elections on May 2nd 2019.  

Helen Gavin is the candidate in the development ward of Eysnham and Cassington; in total thirteen places are being contested:

District Council

Alvescot and Filkins: Alma Tumilowicz

Carterton North East: Rosie Pearson

Charlbury & Finstock: Liz Reason

Eynsham and Cassington: Helen Gavin

Hailey, Minster Lovell and Leafield: Frances Mortimer

Kingham, Rollright and Enstone: Celia Kerslake

Stonesfield and Tackley: Mathew Parkinson

Witney Central: Stuart Macdonald

Witney North: Andrew Prosser

Witney South: Rae Cather

Witney West: Sandra Simpson

Town Council

Witney North: Andrew Prosser

Witney South: Rae Cather





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