Watch your councillors in action

Following the May 2023 elections, there are many new councillors learning what councillors do. 15 Green Party councillors were elected this year, making a total of 24 Green district councillors in Oxfordshire, plus many more parish councillors.

Council meetings are open to the public. So go along to some of them to see what councillors do (or don't do). Read on to find out when the next meetings are and watch a recent meeting.

Each council has a calendar of meetings. They list the forthcoming council meetings and also specialist committee meetings, giving dates, times and places. Some also stream their meetings online. About a week before each meeting they will upload the documents the councillors will be discussing and voting on.

Here are some of the council meeting calendars:

Councillors are the representatives of residents in their wards. They attend meetings, ask questions and vote on motions that decide council policy. They can also help residents with casework. Groups of 2 or more councillors can also propose motions.

Go to one of their meetings, then think about how you could help. Many parish and town councils have vacancies, could you be a parish councillor? And our district and county councillors have a lot of work to do. Could you help a Green councillor by summarising documents or providing your expertise on a policy issue? Tick Yes I can help a Green councillor on our Volunteer page. 

Most council meetings are streamed on teams. But you can watch this Oxford City Council meeting on YouTube:

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  • David Newman
    published this page in News 2023-05-20 12:01:26 +0100

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