Wallingford by-election action day

We are living in exciting times, while most of the excitement has been on the General Election, which nobody wanted to call, but then called anyway, the Greens in Oxfordshire have been working hard on a by-election that has largely gone unnoticed.

Our Candidate Dr Pete Sudbury and his team have been working hard to take a County Council seat from the Conservatives, with this one seat we can do just that. The Liberal Democrats have stood down and are actively helping us gain this foothold on the County.

It is crucial we take this seat, the current Minister for housing Robert Jenrick has stopped the Greens on South Oxfordshire DC from withdrawing the ridiculous local plan and is threatening to pass SODCs planning powers to the County Council, to push through the excessive housing that will only profit developers. Taking this seat will seriously hamper the effectiveness of such a move.

We need your help to make this happen

November 17, 2019 at 1:00pm - 4pm
Glebe House
Reading Road
Wallingford OX10 9DT
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Robin Bennett · 07979 646815

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