Vote Green for the Common Good

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If you have any problems paying online, send a cheque made out to Oxfordshire Green Party to our treasurer, Tim Eden, The Cottage, Gas Lane, Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire, OX7 6BT.

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You can only donate £500 or more if you are a permissible donor. A permissible donor is:
  • An individual registered on a UK electoral register, including overseas electors and those leaving bequests.
  • Most UK-registered companies.
  • A Great Britain registered political party.
  • A UK-registered trade union, building society, or friendly society.
  • A UK-registered LLP or unincorporated association that carries on business or other activities in the UK.

I am either a permissible donor, or I am giving less than £500.

If you have any problems paying online, send a cheque made out to Oxfordshire Green Party to our treasurer, Tim Eden, The Cottage, Gas Lane, Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire, OX7 6BT.

Every extra Green councillor we can get elected will help us campaign for all of the ideas in this manifesto.

Can you chip in £5 or whatever you can afford today?


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