The fracking threat in Oxfordshire

BicesterPoster.pngA 347sq mile expanse in north Oxfordshire has been identified as a possible source of shale gas by the British Geological Survey. Licence applications are anticipated early in 2014.

Keith Taylor MEP is co-hosting a public meeting with Oxon Against Fracking and local Greens.

The meeting will include a couple of short films about fracking, information about Keith’s personal experience of witnessing what it’s like to live near a fracking site and details of the areas in Oxfordshire where fracking could take place.  There will also be a question and answer session.

January 10, 2014 at 7:30pm - 9pm
Bicester Methodist Church
Bell Lane
Bicester, Oxfordshire OX26 6JQ
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Elise Benjamin · · 07951 089 087
Richard Chidwick

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  • Richard Chidwick
    rsvped 2014-01-06 14:29:45 +0000

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