The fight for the UK to remain in the European Union has entered its final week. On Thursday 23rd June, voters will decide whether the UK remains in or leaves the European Union. Oxfordshire Green Party will be continuing it’s campaigning up to and including the final day of this referendum campaign.
- On Monday 20th June, a Green Party public meeting will be held on Why Vote Remain? The social and environmental case for the EU, from 7pm at the Wesley Memorial Hall, New Inn Hall Street, Oxford with speakers George Monbiot, MEPs Keith Taylor and Philippe Lambert and Dr Hazel Dawe;
- On 21st June, Green Party campaigners will be leafletting at Oxford rail station from late afternoon;
- On 23rd June, a Green Party stall at Manzil Way, off Cowley Road, Oxford, will be running from 10.00am to 6pm and acting a base for further leafletting to remind people to vote in the Referendum;
- Throughout the last few days of the campaign, street stalls will be held both by the Green Party and other Remain campaigners in various parts of Oxford and Oxfordshire.
Dr Hazel Dawe, who is speaking on human rights at the public meeting in Oxford on 20th June, says:
Since 1850, our country has signed up to about 13,000 international treaties. Every single one of them had the effect of sharing our sovereignty with other States. The Brexit campaign falsely claims we can get our sovereignty back if we leave the EU. Instead, we would weaken our social rights, our environmental policies and our trading and foreign investment conditions by leaving the EU. Vote Remain on 23rd June!
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