Here is the declaration from the Citizens CETA Summit in Brussels, signed on behalf of Oxfordshire Green Party by Councillors Ruthi Brandt.
European Parliament, Brussels
October 20, 2016
On the occasion of the EU-Canada Summit (Oct 27) we, cross-party elected representatives from local, regional, national and EU level, join together with civil society organisations from across Europe and Canada, to raise our voices in opposition to the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the EU.
While we recognise the importance of international trade, we are deeply concerned that CETA, together with other ‘new generation’ trade agreements like TTIP and TiSA, will put at risk our capacity to legislate and act in the public interest, undermining rather than enhancing our democracy.
Provisions like the Investment Court System (ICS), the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), and Regulatory Cooperation committees would establish parallel and unaccountable frameworks for making key regulatory decisions over areas of huge importance to our everyday lives: health and food safety, climate and the environment; local development and education; procurement and public services.
We therefore urge Canada and the EU not to sign CETA and call upon members of the European Parliament and Member State parliaments not to vote in favour of the agreement.
Signed on behalf of Oxfordshire Green Party by Councillor Ruthi Brandt.
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