Oxfordshire Green Party

The Mike Woodin Green Trust

Mike Woodin

Dr. Mike Woodin, Oxford Green Councillor for 10 years, leader of Oxford Green Group and National Green Party speaker tragically died of cancer on 9th July 2004 aged 38.

A Trust has been established in Mike's memory. The objects of the Trust are to:

...further the environmental and social aims pursued during his lifetime by the late Dr. Mike Woodin, an Oxford City Councillor for ten years, longstanding campaigner, speaker and writer on environmental and social justice issues and co-author of 'Green Alternatives to Globalisation' (Extract from Trust Deeds).

Donations to: Mike Woodin Green Trust, c/o 26 Navigation Way, Oxford OX2 6XW.

Extracts from just a few of the many tributes to Mike...

It has been an honour and privilege to have known and worked with Mike. His tragically early death has robbed Oxford of one of its very best councillors. Our thoughts today are with his family and his very many friends.
Labour leader of the city council, Alex Hollingsworth

Our first thoughts are, of course, with his family. It is a terrible loss for them, but for the council and the people of Oxford it is also the loss of a great spirit. He will be sadly missed.
John Goddard, group leader of the Liberal Democrats

Mike was admired by both political allies and opponents. I had huge personal respect for him as a politician and a leader in the Oxford community. It's very sad and my thoughts are with his young family.
Oxford West and Abingdon Liberal Democrat MP Dr Evan Harris

He was an example of the decency that an old fashioned politician personifies. I mean the virtues of service, commitment to ideas that he believed were about making things better for the people he served.
David Wilkinson, former UKIP candidate

He was an excellent tutor, and memorable for both his warmth and the intellectual rigour of his tutorials. He achieved so much, and I feel privileged to have known him.
Morag Brothwell, St Anne's College

I always found him totally full on and deeply moving as a speaker on green issues. A man of vision and boundless energy. My feelings are with his family. An unforgettable and irreplaceable person.
Jane Scott, Ipswich

Mike's role in the Green Party meant he was both known and greatly respected by us all. Political stars are rare - even in the Green Party. Mike was one. His untimely death has robbed us of one of our greatest advocates.
Jonathan Spink, Wales Green Party

I truly believe that Mike achieved more in his 38 years than many of us will achieve in our entire lifetimes. For his inspiration, commitment, and humanity, I am deeply grateful.
Kate Kilpatrick, Wolvercote

I believe Mike had a profound and inspirational effect on all he met and did business with. Many will miss him greatly, but the impact of his words, his deeds and his example will be long-lasting and of benefit to us all.
Simon Hunt, Oxford

Mike Woodin was a man of extraordinary principle and vision, who believed passionately in the Green cause and the necessity to act courageously to defend the earth, extend social justice to all and to work for peaceful solutions to conflicts wherever possible.
Rik Child, Brighton

He was one of that rare breed of men who can believe deeply in a cause and campaign tirelessly to promote it. He had an inspiring capacity to organize people - whether it was political activism or motivating the production team of the Wolfson magazine.
Jonathan Weitzman, Paris

I was greatly saddened to hear of Mike's death. He was my tutor at Balliol and I know that all of us he taught will miss him.
Oli Bird

Words cannot do an adequate job for me here so I will keep this brief- I am moved and inspired deeply and I intend to make whatever tribute I can to Mike by firstly buying his book and secondly by striving not to fall asleep on green matters as it can be so easy to do.
David Allen

I have many memories of Mike: chanting out on demonstrations, deep in discussions in Balliol quad, relaxed conversation in Green Party Students meetings in Friends Meeting House. Wherever he was Mike was a bastion of passion, good sense and warmth. While he was busy doing a thousand and one impressive things he always seemed to have time to chat. It was a real privilege to overlap with Mike at Balliol, and he certainly had a strong influence on my newly developing Green worldview, as well as those of many of my fellow students. He was an inspiration as an academic, an activist and above all as a person. He has planted many seeds in the people he inspired and through the policies he developed; as those seeds grow into a truly just and sustainable society, Mike will deserve a place of honour and affection in its history.
Justin Alexander (Balliol, 1996-2000)

On behalf of the IWCA I would like to express the shock we all felt on hearing that Mike had passed away. On all the occasions we worked with Mike on council business he always proved himself to be a man of integrity and firm principle. Please accept our condolences for this terrible loss
Cllrs. Lee Cole, Claire Kent & Stuart Craft

I only knew Mike from afar as an inspiration in the dark days when getting Greens elected and doing things seemed a far off dream. I am deeply saddened by his premature death. I only hope that those of us carrying the torch are worthy of that flame he lit.
Gavin Corbett, Scottish Green Party Executive 1998-2003

What a tragic loss. Mike was a wonderful person and a wonderful colleague. He was one of the best tutors in Oxford, and made a huge difference to so many students. He will be missed terribly.
Ann Dowker, Department of Experimental Psychology

Michael stands out in my life as a beacon of hope and optimism. He was always friendly and positive. He will be sorely missed.
David J. Weston, Stranraer, Scotland

Remembering Mike from when I was a student at Oxford Poly and the Pergamon picket was going on. Also the fight for Merton Field and his brilliant speech re that issue at University Congregation. Thinking of his family and friends, and that we must all remember that life is not a rehearsal...RIP Mike.
Bonita Glanville Morris

Oxford has lost one of its very best councillors, but the loss of Deborah and the family is so much more unbearable.
Cllr. David Rundle (LibDem)

He has been an inspirational and tireless Green Party figurehead, an example to us all, and will be sorely missed.
Paul Miller, West London Green Party

Mike had a great deal to teach us all; about patience, thoughtfulness, kindness, understanding and listening; in short about leadership. That he managed to take on the prominent roles that he did, in the way that he did, and never lose his innate gentleness made him an all too rare person in modern politics. It now falls to those who knew him and cared about him to take forward not just his principals and beliefs but also the manner in which he championed them - and in doing so ensure that Mike never really leaves us.
Jolph Kent, Malaysia

May the Almighty give the bereaved family enough courage to bear this tragic loss. May God give his soul eternal peace and limitless bliss.
Ali Akkas

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