Regular donation
We know that not everyone can spend precious time fighting for the common good. That is why hundreds of people across Oxfordshire donate monthly to the Oxfordshire Green Party.
Every small donation helps immediately.
Your donation today helps us fight against what the experts warn us against - rampant climate change, crippling austerity, and eroding local democracy. Join other locals in supporting the Oxfordshire Green Party through a regular donation, and help us fight for the common good.
We are solely reliant on small donations; your donations have helped us triple our local councillors in the 2019 Local Elections, and gave us over 2 million votes at the 2019 European Elections - all without a local office or even local full-time paid staff members!
The sacrifice you can give of:
- a packet of crisps (£1) a month could pay for 20 letters to help Oxfordshire's residents fight for their democratic rights,
- a coffee (£2.50) a month could help pay for a local resident campaign against climate change,
- a lunch order (£10) a month could pay for people to hear from us directly,
- a round of drinks (£25) a month could pay for a room to meet local residents and help them with their needs,
- a family of four's cinema ticket to one show (£50) a month could help pay for a full time staff member,
- a dinner out (£100) a month could pay for an office space... for a week!
So go on... give the party a treat!
You can also donate by standing order.