Phone for the Green Party
You can help us campaign to win in Oxfordshire by telephoning people. Our supporters appreciate contact from the Green Party.
You could talk to members and supporters to:
- ask them to come to an action day,
- find out how we can help them and they can help us, or
- ask for regular donations so we can build the party and extend our campaigns.
You can phone from home at times to suit you.
Or you can join a small group of Green Party volunteers in a phone banking session. At a phone bank you join a few others to call Green Party supporters from your phone. You will get a list of names and numbers of people to call and a script. The script will contain a list of questions, such as can you come to this action day? If not, how about this one? and so on. You note down the responses then go on the the next call. From time to time everyone stops for tea and to chat about how the calls went.
If you would like to help, even if only for 30 min. each week, please complete the form below with all the ways you can help.
Become a volunteer