The “ONE Oxfordshire” proposal is Deeply Undemocratic
Green’s County leader, David Williams, ripped up One Oxfordshire document outside County Hall, 1.00pm Monday 20th March 2017.
Oxfordshire Green Party stands by its suggestion for unitary councils covering the north of Oxfordshire, the City and the South. This three part division maintains rural and urban identities and would save money compared to current arrangements, but only after years of start-up costs have been met.
Read moreNo Pollution Through Fracking in Oxfordshire
Oxford’s Green Party County Councillors are presenting a motion to the County Council to urge opposition to hydraulic fracking in the County, on Tuesday 5th November.
Read moreNo More Absurd Airport Proposals for Oxfordshire
Oxford’s Green Party County Councillors are presenting a motion to the County Council to urge opposition to suggestions of a new airport in the County, on Tuesday 5th November.
Read moreGreens call for referendum on County cuts
Earlier this year, the County Green Group proposed a referendum on Council Tax levels to help avoid the worst effects of the Government cuts.
Strong support for a referendum on raising council tax has now also emerged in the public consultations that have been held by the County Council on their plans for massive cuts in services. Overwhelming votes to support a referendum on the issue were taken at the Banbury and Oxford meetings on Monday and Tuesday this week indicated that people were willing to pay more than the Coalition Govt are permitting without a referendum (2%).
Read moreA greener transport policy for Headington
Oxfordshire Green Party has made a submission to the County consultation on transport policies for the Headington area.
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