Future of the Covered Market Consultation
The Oxfordshire Green Party welcomes this publication, the extensive work behind it and the opportunity given for us to make our views known on the future of the market.
We agree with the conclusions that indicate that the market has been very much neglected and are of the opinion that a future plan is very necessary. Moreover we find a great deal of the medium term plan acceptable but do raise a number of questions we think are important about the long term future strategy. We also suggest a number of quick wins to improve the market.
Read moreWestgate Redevelopment
Oxfordshire Green Party have examined the latest outline application for redeveloping Westgate. Our views on the current application remain largely unchanged from the previous comments to the Westgate Alliance. We do not consider this a sustainable proposal, and its disadvantages outweigh by far its benefits.
Read moreA greener transport policy for Headington
Oxfordshire Green Party has made a submission to the County consultation on transport policies for the Headington area.
Read moreOxford Air Quality
Oxford City Council Air Quality Action Plan 2013 Consultation
Although we are pleased there is an attempt at an Air Quality Management Plan, we consider that given EU safety limits, this plan is inadequate given the scale of the pollution problem. We also consider that the problems of increased traffic and increased carbon emissions are hardly dealt with at all in any manner that would deliver adequate and beneficial targets or reductions in traffic. As an Action plan it needs to spell out in detail all possible means for reducing pollution rapidly long before 2025.
Read moreBarton West Plan
Planning Application: Land West of Barton 13/01383/OUT
The Oxfordshire Green Party made objections to the Barton AAP on the following main grounds
- Loss of Nature Park
- The level of affordable housing being set at 40%
- Inadequate Open Space Provision
- Concerns about density and garden space
- Building too close to the A40, resulting noise and air pollution and loss of existing hedges on central reservation and on Barton side.
- Emergency and bus access into Northway breaking into existing protective hedge and grass area at Foxwell Drive.
Oxpens masterplan
The Oxfordshire Green Party has responded to the consultation on the Oxpens Masterplan, saying that not enough land has been allocated for housing, and that we need more work on the flooding risk in the area.
Read moreWestgate Shopping Centre consultation
Oxfordshire Green Party have been opposed to a major shopping development at the Westgate from the earliest proposals put forward. This land is public land, and was historically housing. The basis for the decision to make this an area for commercial development rests on an idea that Oxford should be more regionally commercially competitive; but we believe that this is not the best use of this central, piece of precious public land.
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