Register for our phone app

We need to call Green Party supporters to ask them to help get Green councillors elected.

To make it easier to organise the calls, you can use the Callhub app on your phone. Download it from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.

In the app you will get numbers to call, a list of questions to ask, and forms to record the responses. For example, a question to ask if they can come to an action day.

It will only list people whose phone numbers you already have, so you start by calling your friends.

Complete the following form to register to use our Callhub account. You choose your own username for our Callhub system. It has to be one word with no spaces.

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Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.
  • David Newman
    published this page in Phone for us 2023-04-03 15:11:50 +0100

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