39 Meadow Prospect, Wolvercote, and meeting points around Port Meadow
Come for tea and/or a walk and a chat with other Greens – you can join in for all or part of the evening. Friends, children and dogs all welcome! If you're free in the afternoon, meet from 4.30 pm onwards for tea and cakes at 39 Meadow Prospect, Wolvercote (tel. 01865 559556). We'll set off across Port Meadow and Burgess Field at 6.30 pm, stopping at 7.15 at the Aristotle Lane gate to the meadow so others can join the group there; and similarly at Walton Well Road gate at 7.30. Then we'll head for The Perch, for about 8 pm.
For further information, email [email protected]
Phone on the day to find out where we've got to: Alice 07825 166 706; Mary 07801 506 173.
39 Meadow Prospect Wolvercote and meeting points around Port Mdw
Oxford OX2 8PP
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
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