Oxfordshire Green Party

Your local Oxford Green Party people

Green Party candidates stood in every Oxford City Council ward on 3rd May. On the right is a list of all the Green Party people ready and willing to help you turn Oxford green. Elected councillors are in bold type.

If you are not sure which is your ward, take a look at the map below, or enter your postcode in the Openly Local site.

Oxford City Council wards

Barton and Sandhills Mary-Jane Sareva
Blackbird Leys Sarah Pethybridge
Carfax Adam Ramsay
Churchill Julian Faultless
Cowley Clare Cochrane
Cowley Marsh Kevin Meaney
Headington Richard Howarth
Headington Hill & Northway Sietske Boeles
Hinksey Park Judy Chipchase
HolywellSam Hollick
Iffley FieldsElise Benjamin
Jericho & Osney Peter Furtado
Littlemore Matt Sellwood
Lye Valley John Kentish
Marston Alistair Morris
North Sushila Dhall
Northfield Brook Alison Williams
Quarry & Risinghurst Ray Hitchins
Rose Hill & Iffley Paul Skinner
St Clements Hafiz Ladell
St Margarets Ann Duncan
St MarysCraig Simmons
Summertown John Coleman
Wolvercote Sheila Cameron