Save South Oxon democracy from the county and government bullies

On Tuesday the County Council will be considering whether to take over the local plan from South Oxfordshire District Council, rather than have it managed by the Lib. Dem./Green administration that took over in May after thoroughly defeating the Conservatives.

When we tried to revise the plan, Robert Jenrick, the Conservative Minister forbade the councillors from even talking about the local plan, let alone working on improving it. The old Conservative plan would double the number of houses in South Oxfordshire, far more than is needed to meet the needs of people working in Oxford City. It has been designed to help property developers and tarmac over a ring of land around London. So much for the new Government's concerns for the north of England. Despite all the councils having declared climate emergencies, the Government still wants excessive economic growth.

Now the Minister wants to strip the democratically elected councillors of there strongest power - planning - and give it to the county council.

The more people who can go to view this travesty the better. It is item 9 on the agenda, so it is likely to be discussed in the afternoon.

Also call your county councillor and ask them to vote against it - or not discuss it at this council meeting.


February 11, 2020 at 10:30am - 4pm
County Hall
New Road
Oxford OX1 1ND
United Kingdom
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