Oxfordshire Greens - Put it to the people march



Join the Green Bloc in London - for the last chance to demand a People's Vote.   

Oxfordshire Greens will be meeting:

10.30am at Park Lane opposite Marble Arch underground station.

11.30 at Stanhope Gate, W1K1 as part of the 'Another Europe is Possible' bloc - for speeches.

12 noon - moving into position for marching.  Get in touch - so that Oxfordshire Greens can hold the banner together - and stand united.

For more details contact Alison Williams on [email protected] 

or Elise Benjamin on: [email protected]

March 23, 2019 at 10:30am - 4:30pm
Park Lane outside underground station
Marble Arch Underground Station
Park Lane
London W1C 1LZ
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
David & Alison Williams ·
Sarah Edwards

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  • Sarah Edwards
    rsvped 2019-03-21 22:11:15 +0000

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