Come and learn how to win the May 2016 council elections for the Green Party. Learn from James Burn how the West Midlands Green Party wins. Hear how our councilors got elected and meet the candidates. Learn election campaigning skills, from door knocking to making videos
Time | Topic |
10:45 | Registration |
11:00 | Welcome by Sarah Wood, Chair Oxfordshire Green Party |
11:10 |
Local political issues in the 2016 campaign, by Councillor David Williams Hear from our Green councillors what they are doing for us, and why we need to get more elected. |
11:30 |
Target to win by James Burn, West Midlands Green Party James Burn will show us how the Solihull Green Party has gone from one Green councillor to more than we have in Oxford in just a few years, by following the target-to-win strategy of the West Midlands Green Party. |
12:30 |
Door knocking role play James Burn will lead a session where we practice on each other how to listen to voters on the doorstep. |
13:00 | Bring and share lunch |
13:30 |
60 second surveys We will all go out to deliver 60 second survey forms, to find out the issues that concern local voters. |
14:30 |
Analysing data, led by David Newman, Elections co-ordinator. Come back and pick out the top issues, while listening to an overview of how we use data for our election campaigns. |
14:50 | Parallel sessions 1 |
Stage |
Video 1 Practice being interviewed, or making your own campaign videos. |
Side room |
Writing for the media Learn how to write press releases and letters to newspapers that get published. |
By screen | Data-driven campaigning |
Far wall | How to start local campaigns and run events |
15:20 | Tea break |
15:30 | Parallel sessions 2 |
Stage | Video 2 |
Side room | Writing for the media continues |
By screen | Online campaigning (social media and the web) |
Far wall | Designing, producing and delivering good leaflets |
16:00 | How I got elected, by Councillor Elise Benjamin |
16:15 |
Meet the candidates Talk to our newly selected council candidates, ask them questions, then sit down to work out how you can help them get elected. |
17:00 |
Closing speech by David Newman, Elections Co-ordinator What you can do next, including action days and follow-up training. |
Sign up now for the training day, we only have room for 100.
Remember to bring something to share for lunch. We will provide tea, coffee and milk.
If coming from outside Oxford, the number 3 bus goes from the train station and the centre of Oxford to Rose Hill, passing the end of Cornwallis Road.
Cornwallis Rd
Oxford OX4 3NH
United Kingdom
Google map and directions

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