Oxfordshire Green Party stands up to racism

Oxfordshire Green Party members and councillors have been taking part in demonstrations against the far right racists who have been violently attacking migrants and people of colour in England and Northern Ireland. We took part in demonstrations in Oxford in Manzil Way, Blackbird Leys and Bonn Square.

Today, in Bonn Square, there was a demonstration organised by Stand Up to Racism, with speakers from different organisations. Green councillor Alex Powell gave a strong speech:

We gathered around the square and in front of our banner.

Earlier this week, Asylum Welcome had been told by the police there was a credible threat of a violent protest outside their offices on Cowley Road. We joined the anti-racist demonstration on Manzil Way.

After that, Green Blackbird Leys Parish Councillor, David Newman, joined demonstrators and fellow parish councillors to protect and welcome the migrants being housed in the Holiday Inn Express next to the Kassam Stadium.

Towards the end, the migrants came out to cheer the demonstrators, including this man who asked me to take his picture.

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  • David Newman
    published this page in News 2024-08-10 21:05:00 +0100

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