Join us to get more Greens elected to the County Council.
The County Council election this year is the most important we've had for years. If Better Oxfordshire goes through, then our only representation as a party will be seats we win this May. Oxford City Council could be dissolved as early as 2019.
We will be talking to voters, knocking on doors and handing out leaflets in East Oxford. Come and join us, meet other Greens, and learn how our elected Green councillors make a difference.
In the evening we will be launching our campaign. Come to meet our candidates.
The Plan
Saturday 8 April and Sunday 9 April
Join one of the teams campaigning in the streets of east Oxford. There are two 2-hour shifts: 1100-1300 and 1400-1600. Come for the day, if you can, and have lunch with other Green Party campaigners and hear from our councillors and candidates.
In the morning, come to meet us at the Beetroot Café on Cowley Road, opposite Tesco between 1030-1100. And there will be someone at Oxford Railway station from 1015 to 1115 to meet people coming by train.
Let us know below when you can come and we'll be in touch to point you to the best location for you for each shift.
Launch party, Saturday 8 April
Come to meet our candidates at a campaign launch on Saturday evening, starting at 1930 in the Restore Café, Manzil Way.
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