Come this weekend to hear how our Green Party councillors are fighting to keep democracy local and protect services for the people, and to campaign to create a healthier Oxfordshire County Council - with more Greens.
In the spring of 2016 the Green Party was the only party to produce a plan that would have saved all the rural buses and children's centres from the cuts. All the Labour, Liberal Democrat and Conservative county councillors voted for cuts to the services for the people in Oxfordshire. This year our Green councillors have produced a budget to keep the children's centres going, prevent cuts to adult social care and restore rural buses at a cost of 50 p/week.
We need more Green councillors to fight for the people of Oxfordshire. We need to get our message across to more voters. We need your help to deliver leaflets and knock on doors to speak to every voter we can reach.
We are gathering at 1100 and 1400 on Saturday and Sunday. Sign up for the shifts when you can join us.
Over lunch you can meet other Greens, quiz our councillors and listen to a message from Keith Taylor, Green MEP for SE England, on defending the rights of EU citizens here after Brexit.
Saturday: meet at Café Tarifa, 56-60 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JB, at 1100 or 1400.
Sunday: meet at The Marsh Harrier, 40 Marsh Road, Oxford OX4 2HH at 1100 or 1400.
If you need accommodation in Oxford or help with travel, please let us know.
Café Tarifa
56-60 Cowley Road
Oxford, Oxfordshire OX4 1JB
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
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