Come to the top target in SE England. Oxford has 6 Green Party councillors. With just two more we will become the official opposition. But Labour has had 70 canvassers out in the ward of our group leader, so we have a fight on our hands.
This weekend is the big push before polling day. We need to get teams of 20 or more out. Come an learn how a large scale campaign is run. We have 24 candidates, a full slate, and excellent canvassing software.
We will knocking on doors in all our target wards, and delivering leaflets to rebut Labour lies.
Please sign up for one or more of the shifts, so we can make sure there are campaign materials available for all of you. We provide training, and mentors to show you how to canvass. You will receive an email listing places and times to meet.
If you can host a vistiing Green from outside Oxford for the weekend, please email <[email protected]>.

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