Canvassing and leafleting in Osney & St Thomas, Saturday 26 March
Meet: West Oxford Community Centre, Botley Road, Oxford, OX2 0BT - please see below for timings
Join Lois Muddiman, our Green Party candidate, for some canvassing or leafleting. Lois came extremely close to winning last year – she needed just 39 more votes to win!!
Our main focus will be canvassing. We need to talk to more voters! There will be a briefing for everyone, so don't worry if you are new to this. We can also work in pairs, so you can be teamed up with someone more experienced. We also have some leaflets to deliver.
Lois has lived in the ward for decades and has a great record of working for the local community, so lots of residents have heard of her. Examples of her volunteering include: Chair of the West Oxford Community Centre, Co-Founder of Low Carbon West Oxford and Hogacre Common Eco Park, Friend of the local community primary school, and more. One of the organisations she helped to establish has installed solar panels on the roof of a local school and other buildings. Lois has also been actively involved in the local panto – including writing, directing and designing scenery.
Lois began her career in education, then she worked in Community Development for local authorities and housing associations. Now she works part-time for a local IT company, developing a volunteering website, and as a freelance project manager. She is also a professional artist and recently had some work displayed at the Ashmolean museum – a piece addressing colonialism.
A keen campaigner on climate and social justice issues, Lois joined the Greens to make a difference at local level.
Signing up: if you can RSVP, it will give us a useful idea of numbers. But please feel free to just come along on the day. All the information you need should be on this page.
You are welcome to come for just the morning or the afternoon.
Any queries to: Sarah Edwards: [email protected] 07960 352787
Morning session
Welcome and briefing: 10am
Canvassing: 10.30 - 12.30
Lunch: 12.30 - 1.30
Afternoon session
Welome and briefing: 1.30
Canvassing: 2 - 4
Social from 4pm for anyone who'd like to join us!
Please arrive around 11am.
We may have leaflets still to deliver on Sunday. If you could help then, please contact Sarah.

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