Oxfordshire Green Party

Guide to Voting

2 May 2012

Here are the answers to common questions asked on the doorstep

1. Where do I vote?

Hidden away on its website, the City Council has a place (click here) where you can put in your postcode and it tells you your polling station.

Your polling station is also listed on your polling card (if you can find it!).

2. When can I vote?

Any time between 7am and 10pm on 3rd May. 

3. How do I vote?

Just turn up at the polling station - you do not need your polling card to vote.

If you havent yet sent off your postal vote you can take it along to any polling station. 

4. Can I vote?

You can vote if you are on the electoral register.  If you dont know whether you are on the register you can search for you. Call 01865 202257 on election day.

Students can vote both here and at home in local elections (but not in national elections). 

5. How should I vote?

If you want to send a message to the Government and make a real difference in Oxford, then Vote Green! 

Everyone in Oxford has a chance to Vote Green. Here are details of our candidates.


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