Oxfordshire Green Party

Greens overtake LibDems and Tories in popular vote

5 May 2012

This week's local election results in Oxford City saw the Green vote across the City hold steady whilst the LibDem and Tory vote declined. This was despite the fact that many electors viewed the election as an opportunity to 'send a message' to the national Government by switching to Labour. This cost the Greens one seat - but the they picked up another where they benefited from the switch away from the LibDems.

For first time in local elections, this puts the Green Party second in the City based on popular vote.

The percentages for all 24 City Wards were:
Lab 43.99%
Greens 21.34%
Lib Dem 17.09%
Con 14.49%

Were the elections to be held under a proportional voting system, as favoured by the majority of Oxford residents (as evidenced by the 'Yes' vote on electoral reform last year) support for the Greens would have left them with 10 seats (as opposed to the 5 they have now).

FMI: Cllr. Craig Simmons 07739 803047

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