Oxfordshire Green Party

Lord Mayor launches local Greens Election Campaign

16 April 2012

The Chair of Oxfordshire Green Party Sushila Dhall, will join Oxford's first Green Lord Mayor Cllr. Elise Benjamin, Green Councillors and local election candidates to officially launch the Green Party local election campaign on Thursday night at the Friends Meeting House St. Giles.

Unfortunately, the UK's first Green MP, Caroline Lucas, will not now be able to come to the launch, because she has to stay in the House of Commons for the vote on Child Benefits as she is commenting on the Chancellors Budget Debate.

Once again, the Green Party is fielding a full slate of candidates in the Oxford City Council elections. With highly respected and experienced Green Councillors standing for re-election alongside fresh faces who bring a wealth of diverse experience this year's elections .

Candidates include a Queens-award winning small business owner, a former World Bank Economist, a university professor, a former City planning officer, a University student, a council tenants' rights campaigner and the chair of Oxford CPRE plus other prominent environmental campaigners, charity workers  and community activists.

‘Oxford Greens have achieved much since Caroline Lucas won the first Geen council seat in 1993s, proving that social and environmental priorities can go hand in hand and showing that these priorities don't have to break the bank.' says Lord Mayor Elise Benjamin.

The Greens are fighting the election on a ticket that includes restoring the local Area Committees, keeping Temple Cowley Pool open, affordable housing and protecting services such as the NHS and improving our environment.

Contacts: for media enquiries and photo calls please contact: Cllr David Williams, tel. 01865 765 852 or mobile 07531328931

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