Leading Green Speaking at Silent Chain for Europe

Oxfordshire Green Party will be supporting the Oxford for Europe rally being held at 11.45 am in Radcliffe Square, Oxford on Saturday 10th December. This rally will comprise a silent chain for Europe at the beginning, followed by some speakers. This event is set to coincide with the United Nations Human Rights Day. Dr Hazel Dawe, Chair of Oxfordshire Green Party's European Campaign Committee, will be speaking at this event.

She comments:

Commemorating Human Rights Day at a rally in Radcliffe Square on Saturday 10th December from 11.45am is particularly important this year. We have a government which is opposed to both the Human Rights Act and to the European Convention on Human Rights. It has succeeded in passing through Parliament the Investigatory Powers Act recently, which is the most invasive attack on the privacy of the public existing in any democratic state in the world. As a Green, I will be speaking for the UK to strengthen its commitment to human rights and get rid of this Act.

She also notes:

A culture of intolerance has been unveiled since the vote to Leave the European Union on 23rd June. In some months since the Referendum, hate crimes against minority groups have risen by 49% or even 57% compared to the previous year. This is appalling and has been encouraged over a long period by irresponsible media that offer stereotypes and biased reporting to foster prejudices. The Green Party encourages the public to boycott such media to help fight the intolerance they have done so much to support.

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