Join us in a debate with Larry Sanders, Green Party candidate for Witney, on how we could be building a better, fairer Witney, from the NHS, to transport, housing and the economy.
Larry, with the help of clips from his brother. Senator Bernie Sanders, the presidential candidate, will look at the turmoil in politics, from his experience in the UK and US.
Larry and his brother Bernie
The pattern in the US and the UK over the 35 years has been of a steady shift of wealth and power from the majority to a very small number of rich people. There is a sense that it doesn’t need to be like this.
Larry will discuss the meaning of Bernie’s powerful and unexpected challenge and the horrible reality of Mr. Trump’s campaign. He will look at the Brexit referendum and the departure of Mr. Cameron.
He will consider the real risk of the downfall of the NHS and look at the possibility of its rescue at a very late stage.
There will be time for questions and comments from the audience.
Big things are happening and Witney is, for the moment, at the centre of an important moment in history.
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