More and more people are saying they will vote for Ian Middleton in Kidlington East. But we need more pledges to win, and then to get them all to vote, so that we can get the first Green elected on to Cherwell council. Ian says:
This is probably the one and only chance to get a councillor on Cherwell District Council. All the stars have aligned! The Tories and Labour are unpopular, UKIP is likely to further split the Tory vote. I came a close second last year and have a local profile as a green belt campaigner, we also have co-operation from the Lib. Dems., plus the support of the local MP. But Labour and the Tories are also campaigning hard in the ward so we need to match them in terms of door knocking and leafleting.
If it doesn't happen this year it will never happen! So come and make it happen!
Meet fellow Greens, then go out together campaigning. You can put leaflets through letterboxes, or knock on doors and politely ask if they might vote for Ian Middleton, the Green Party candidate. Once we know who might vote for us, we can go out on polling day and remind them to vote. Too often we have lost elections because our supporters stayed at home.
You are welcome to turn up at Ian's house (address below) at 1100 or 1400 on Saturday. Take the S3 bus to the top of Sandy Lane, Yarnton.
Or contact Ian to arrange to meet in the centre of Kidlington.
Then on Sunday we are meeting at 1430 at the Exeter Hall Car Park, Oxford Road, Kildington OX5 1AB.

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