Greens, including leading figures in Oxford, have welcomed the Supreme Court ruling that will force a Parliamentary vote on Article 50.
Says Green Cllr Craig Simmons, a leading Remain campaigner who is speaking at the sold-out Oxford for Europe meeting at Oxford Town Hall this Friday: "Greens locally will be applying pressure to Oxford's MPs to vote against Government plans for a 'hard Brexit'. Unless Government substantially shift their position this means voting against the triggering of Article 50 - which is what Oxford's electorate voted for anyway."
Greens have, in particular, criticised Labour's confused policy on Brexit - trying to amend any Article 50 vote whilst committing to supporting the triggering of Article 50 regardless. From letters written to constituents by Labour MP Andrew Smith, he appears to be towing his party line rather than representing the wishes of his constituents.
Greens successfully submitted a motion to Oxford City Council, proposed by Cllr Simmons, which supported the idea of UK citizens being able to retain EU citizenship post-Brexit (an idea now being promoted by chief EU negotiator Guy Verhofstadt) and committed Oxford to maintaining EU social and environmental standards when/if these exceeded U.K. standards in the future.
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