Greens support Junior Doctors rejection of new contract

Junior doctors have rejected the Government's new proposed contract by a decisive 58-42% vote. Over two-thirds of junior doctors took part in the ballot. After a period of irresponsible changes labelled as 'reforms' it is hardly surprising that the junior doctors have taken a firm stance against increases in their considerable workload.

County Councillor David Williams comments:

The Oxfordshire Green Party commends the decisive rejection of a new proposed contract by junior doctors. Once again, Greens will support junior doctors on picket lines if more strikes occur. Junior doctors working more than 70 hours a week on average cannot be pressured to do even more. The Chancellor has missed opportunities to use cigarette and alcohol taxation increases to fund the National Health Service to meet the needs of our ageing population. All parts of the NHS are now under-funded and over-stressed.

David Williams adds:

Political parties should be asking their prospective and existing leaders how much extra money they will find to fund our NHS. There is no doubt about public support for doing so. Oxfordshire Green Party notes the malign effects of the Health and Social Care Act of 2012 and the Conservative Government's promise to maintain public spending cuts until at least 2021. Health service provision is suffering from fragmentation, demoralised and over-worked staff, and dramatic increases in waiting times for procedures and operations.

David Williams notes:

"The Chancellor promised tax increases and cuts if the public voted to Leave the EU. Well, he cannot cut what he has already slashed in relation to real public needs. He must ensure that he adjusts the tax base to provide the NHS with secure, adequate, long-term funding."

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