Greens support Age UK demo

Oxfordshire Greens supported the demonstration organised by Age UK, concerning proposed cuts to Adult Social Care by Oxfordshire County Council. This was at 9.00am, County Hall, Oxford, on Thursday 17th December. Councillor David Williams, leader of the Green Group on the County Council, comments:

"Oxfordshire Green Party strongly supports efforts by Age UK and other organisations to resist further cuts to adult social care in our County. The most vulnerable people in our society are being supported by what is now a paper-thin patchwork of services covering issues such as homelessness, mental health services and support for the elderly. As Larry Sanders, the former head of Healthwatch in Oxfordshire told the demonstration, cuts to adult social care were damaging a limited level of resources and services when they first started, and are now doing real damage.

"It is very disturbing that our County Council has funds for new Park and Ride sites and new road infrastructure, with the promise of more in the future, when it feels that adult social care, like our 44 Children's Centres, can be chopped back. Since when are cars and roads a higher priority than those in the extremes of poverty and need?

"If the County Council continues to withdraw funding for adult social care, then this does not mean money will not be spent. In practice, those in need will try to fall back on GP's surgeries, homelessness charities, Accident and Emergency and so on. Since all of these services are under severe pressure already due to reprehensible and avoidable cuts, those desperately seeking help will find it very hard to obtain. Oxfordshire Greens urge the County to rethink its priorities and re-deploy funds towards those who most need our help."

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