Green Party leader visits Asylum Welcome

Green Party leader, Natalie Bennett, is visiting Oxfordshire on Friday 28th August. One of her stops is at campaigning group Asylum Welcome.

She comments:

Natalie_Bennett.jpg"I'm delighted to be visiting Asylum Welcome, which helps to fill in the many gaps in government provision for refugees, asylum-seekers and immigration detainees, and helps these vulnerable individuals survive the frequently inhumane, inept and dishonest treatment of the Home Office.

"I'm proud that the Green Party is campaigning for the ending of routine immigration detention - a huge breach of our human rights obligations, for the ending of all deportations of LGBTIQ asylum-seekers until a fair and just system to consider their claims is established, and for Britain to accept its fair share of those seeking refuge in the European Union.

"The world faces a refugee crisis - a crisis that has arisen in significant part because of UK and other Western foreign policy and economic policy over decades. We need to provide refuge, and change our foreign policy to ensure that we promote peace, democracy and sustainable development around the globe, rather than continuing to support despotic, human rights-abusing regimes."

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