Green Comment: Oxford City Council adopts Oxford Local Plan 2036

Local Plan out of date before the ink dried. 
Oxford's Green Councillors have criticised the Local Plan for being out-of-date even before it was approved by the City Council on 8th June.
A Green amendment tabled on 8th June, supported by the Liberal Democrats, calling for an early review of the Plan to take into account major events since the plan went through consultation; the findings from the Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change, the recommendations from the Council's own Climate Emergency Review Group and the post-COVID 'build back better' agenda was voted down by Labour. 
Says Green Councillor Dick Wolff, who proposed the Green amendment on Monday 8th June, "This is a plan that is meant to set our policies to 2036 but was already out of date before the ink had dried. It was formulated before the Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change, before the Climate Emergency Review Group produced its recommendations and before the COVID crisis. It is a plan that looks backwards and not forwards."

10th June 2020

FMI 07968 486854 Cllr Dick Wolff

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