Oxford Green Party - 12th March 2018
Green City Councillor Dick Wolff, who represents St. Mary's Ward (including Cowley Road) comments on a City Council initiative to clean up the Cowley Road: "I have asked officers to focus on those businesses who leave waste and recycling out on the pavement, sometimes for days, and to try and work out better solutions for residents living above shops who aren't able to easily access a wheely bin.This clean-up won't work if it is a one-off exercise, which is why the educational element is so important."
Cllr Dick Wolff with former Lord Mayor Elise Benjamin and Cllr David Thomas at the Clean Green launch on Cowley Road
This comment is made in response to the two week initiative fromĀ 19 March when Oxford City Council staff will bring the Clean Green Oxford campaign to the Cowley Road area.
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